Auto Experts
Auto Repair Services Since 2005
Looking for an ASE-Certified Repair Technician in Blacksburg, VA?
Auto Experts Offers the Know-How Your Vehicle Needs Now
In the Blacksburg area, Auto Experts is the reliable shop to call when you are looking for vehicle maintenance and repair from an ASE-certified technician. Auto Experts lives up to its name by providing the region with quality auto repair for all types of vehicles that get you back on the road fast. We have the know-how your vehicle needs now. Our rates are reasonable, and we accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Call us today (540) 552-2851 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays, or contact us and request an appointment online.

Our Services
For your…
Cars | Trucks | 4x4s | Vans | and More
Vehicle Inspection & Under Car Services for Safety on the Road
World-Class Repair and Maintenance in Blacksburg, VA
Auto Experts in Blacksburg Serves the Southwest Virginia Region
Customers come to Auto Experts from across the Southwest Blue Ridge region of Virginia. We take pride in ensuring vehicles are safe to drive, whether you live in our hometown of Blacksburg, in nearby Christiansburg, Radford, or neighboring Giles, Pulaski, or Floyd counties. We invite you to visit us on Facebook and welcome you to join our growing group of satisfied customers, so give us a call.